Share the Safe Music Business Pledge with the companies and studios you work with and express why it's important to you as an employee, signee, or client that they acknowledge and activate around the need for change regarding safety in the music industry.
Copy the email template below and send it to your points of contact.
Subject: Take Action: Safe Music Business Pledge
Hi [Recipient's Name],
I hope you're doing well.
I wanted to bring your attention to the Safe Music Business Pledge, an initiative led by the 100 Percenters to address sexual abuse and violence in our industry. I believe [Insert Company Name] should take a stand on these crucial issues by joining this pledge.
By committing to the Safe Music Business Pledge, they show their dedication to creating a safe and respectful workplace for everyone in our industry and position themselves as leaders and catalysts for real change.
Please learn more about the pledge and consider supporting this vital cause. Let's work together to ensure a safer future for the music industry.
Best, [Your Name]